Friday, 1 September 2017

Poverty and Inequality Commissioners Announced

01/09/2017 - Ahead of the first meeting of Scotland’s new Poverty and Inequality Commission,  Chair, Douglas Hamilton today announced the Commissioners will be:

  • David Eiser
  • Hugh Foy
  • Caroline Kennedy
  • Katie Schmuecker
  • Sally Witcher
Two deputy chairs, Kaliani Lyle and Naomi Eisenstadt, have already been appointed and a  further member will be announced in the coming weeks.

The Poverty and Inequality Commission brings together members who have a broad range of expertise from lived experience, community work, policy development and academic research.
Commissioners will have an advocacy role, promoting the importance of particular issues with the Scottish Government and other stakeholders.

Welcoming the appointments Equalities Secretary Angela Constance said:

“I am delighted to see such a strong panel of representatives with a wealth of knowledge and talent. I know they will be able to draw on their wide background of experience to provide real value and influence.

“The Commission will provide independent advice to ministers and give scrutiny on where more action could be taken to reduce poverty and inequality. I look forward to receiving their advice and using it to help develop policy that will tackle poverty and inequality in particular the first child poverty delivery plan next year.”

Mr Hamilton said:

“The Commission has been given a broad remit and the appointments I have made will ensure we can address the issues that need to be considered with a great degree of expertise. Each of the Commissioners also brings a strong personal commitment to playing their part in addressing the unacceptable levels of poverty and inequality in Scotland.

“Over the past few weeks, I have also received offers of assistance from experts from a range of other organisations which I very much welcome. It is clear that there is a strong body of support for the work of the Commission and we will ensure that we take account of a wide spectrum of views when setting out our positions.”


The First Minister announced the creation of the Poverty and Inequality Commission on July 3, along with the names of the Chair and Deputy Chairs.

In making the appointments, the Chair sought to invite members who have a broad and deep understanding of the issues. As part of the selection process, nominations were invited from the Poverty Truth Commission, Poverty Alliance and Joseph Rowntree Foundation

The Commission will be in place for an initial two year period, in advance of any statutory arrangements that may be put in place via the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill. The Commission’s first task will be to provide independent advice to Ministers on the first child poverty Delivery Plan, due in April 2018.

Biographies of those appointed to the Commission can be viewed here.

Further details of the Commissions intended form and remit were outlined within a position paper published by the Scottish Government in July.

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