Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Most Comprehensive China Business Event Held in Scotland

20/09/2016 - Chinese Embassy, visiting Chinese government and 30-strong business delegation join Scottish companies and government representatives to explore trade and investment opportunities.

China can be a challenging market when viewed from a distance. But the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is confident that the SME China Forum, held this Wednesday in Celtic Park, will show Scottish SMEs that the opportunities are vast and accessible to companies who take the time to understand the market.

The Forum will cover Market Entry Strategies, China Digital Opportunity, and Securing Investment from China. In the afternoon there will be SME investment pitching sessions, in collaboration with EIE and the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI), as well as workshops on protecting intellectual property and with Royal Mail on the Tmall E-Commerce opportunity.

Government speakers include, Minister Counsellor Jin Xu, Commercial Section, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Ji Xiangqi, Vice-Governor of Shandong Province, Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, Scottish Government and Paul Lewis, Managing Director SDI & International Operations.

They will be joined by 15 business speakers and 6 China-savvy ‘business ambassadors’ to share insights and encourage more trade between Scotland and China. A 30-strong visiting business delegation, led by the Vice-Governor of Shandong Province, will have 1-1 meetings throughout the day with local companies keen to engage.

Vice Chairman of CBBC, and Chairman - China Business Group at PwC, Sir Tom Troubridge said:

“I am delighted to host the 4th annual SME China Forum – this year in Glasgow. The SME China Forum is one of CBBC’s flagship events focusing on the practical day to day support that makes it easier for SMEs to trade with and seek investment from China.”

“China is such a diverse market, both geographically and in terms of its need for Scottish goods and services. The days of having a single ‘China strategy’ are largely behind us, with more in-depth understanding now necessary to navigate the vast opportunities available across this expansive market.”

“The CBBC team, with more than 130 staff across 25 strategic locations in the UK and China, has the knowledge, experience and network to support your business whether you are new to China or looking to expand into new territory.”

Paul Lewis, Managing Director, Scottish Development International & Scottish Enterprise International Operations said:

“Scotland’s exports to China have more than doubled since 2007 and are currently worth £530m, therefore it’s a growing market, as well as one with huge potential for Scottish businesses.

“We understand that the prospect of doing business in China may seem daunting for those new to the market but this conference will help equip companies with the knowledge and support to explore what trade opportunities China can offer.

“We are delighted that the Forum is being held in Scotland this year and proud that Scottish Enterprise is actively involved in supporting it. We look forward to working with many of the companies involved, to help them realise their ambitions in China.”

The event is supported by:

  • Scottish Development International, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Shandong Tourism Group
  • Bank of China
  • Royal Mail
  • Murgitroyd, Emerging Communications, Primasia

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